All speech and language therapists within our team at SLT for Kids are members of the HCPC.
What does HCPC stand for?
HCPC stands for the ‘health and care professions council’.
What is the HCPC?
The HCPC is a registered body for health and care professionals, and our speech and language therapists are registered with the HCPC. You can check the registration of our speech and language therapists on the HCPC website by selecting speech and language therapist and typing in the surname of the therapist you are searching for.
Who does the HCPC register?
The HCPC provides registration for any professional with a protected title, this includes:
- Art therapist
- Biomedical scientist
- Chiropodist / podiatrist
- Clinical scientist
- Dietitian
- Hearing aid dispenser
- Occupational therapist
- Operating department practitioner
- Orthoptist
- Paramedic
- Physiotherapist
- Practitioner psychologist
- Prosthetist / orthotist
- Radiographer
- Social worker in England
- Speech and language therapist
These professionals cannot practice or use their title unless they are registered with the HCPC.
Check the register
Check your provider. Make sure they are legally allowed to work as a speech and language therapist. You can check this on the HCPC website.
- Legal
- Regulated
- Safe
What does the HCPC regulate?
The HCPC sets out specific standards which professionals must meet to maintain their HCPC registration. All of our speech and language therapists at SLT for Kids, meet the standards set by the HCPC. These include:
- Standards of conduct, performance and ethics
- Standards of proficiency
- Standards of education and training
To visit the website or to find out more information please visit