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Social communication group

Social communication group

Our social communication group, aim to work on children’s ability to communicate appropriately in a range of social situations.

It is important for children to develop good social communication skills, as it is key for developing social relationships. It is also a vital skill for academic learning as many activities carried out in school rely on children working together in groups and communicating with their peers.

Children with poor social communication skills can present with the following:

  • Difficulty remaining on topic during conversations.
  • May not try to gain the attention of others this may be because they do not know how to.
  • May gain the attention of others in an inappropriate manner.
  • Struggles with personal space, may stand too close or too far from the speaker.
  • Has difficulty telling stories in an organised manner.
  • Struggles with eye contact, may look at the speaker too intensely or may not give eye contact at all.
  • Controls conversations and does not listen to the speaker.
  • May not ask others to clarify when they haven't understood.
  • Difficulty using and recognising body language.
  • Difficulty recognising facial expressions and emotions.
  • Difficulty recognising tone of voice.
  • Limited language use, e.g. may only use their language to comment.
  • Difficulty understanding other people’s point of view.
  • Difficulty making and maintaining friends.

Our social communication group allows children to learn new skills and practise them with their peers in a safe environment through games and role play.

Aims of a social communication group

  • To develop the key skills needed for good social communication such as turn taking, listening, clarifying, questioning, conversational skills.
  • To recognise and use non-verbal communication.
  • To develop self-awareness.

Benefits of group therapy

  • Safe and realistic environment to practise new skills.
  • To learn from skills from peers.
  • Increase in confidence.
  • Development of meaningful friendships.

On completion of group therapy you will receive a report with information about the group therapy aims, the activities completed, the improvements your child has made and any further recommendations or advice.

Contact us

If you think your child is having difficulties with social communication, and would like to be considered for a group then please email  office@sltforkids.co.uk  or call us on 0330 088 2298.

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Speech Clinic

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Voice Clinic

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