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Speech sound disorders

Speech sound disorders

Speech sound disorder (SSD) is the broad term used to cover several different types of speech difficulties. A speech sound disorder involves difficulty or delay in the development and / or production of speech, including single sounds, single words or connected speech.

Our speech and language therapists can assess your child’s speech to establish the specific difficulties your child is experiencing. Our speech and language therapists can use the information from the assessment to create a therapy programme that works on improving the speech difficulties established in the assessment process.

Speech and language therapy can increase your child’s speech intelligibility by improving the speech sounds your child is struggling to produce correctly. Speech and language therapy can increase your child’s social communication with others.

What is a speech sound disorder?

A speech sound disorder refers to any difficulty or delay with speech at all levels, regardless of the origin of the difficulty. There are different types of speech disorders depending on the cause of the difficulty and the type of difficulty the child is experiencing.

Some terms used to describe a speech sound disorder includes:

Phonological delay

Phonological delay occurs when children do not develop their speech sounds in line with the rate of development that is expected.

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Phonological disorder

Phonological disorder occurs when a child produces atypical speech sound processes that would not be expected in the normal development of sounds.

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Articulation disorder

An articulation disorder is when a child has difficulty producing particular speech sounds. They may not be swapping their sounds for others but will have difficulty producing specific sounds.

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Phonological awareness difficulties

Phonological awareness is the child’s ability to identify the different concepts of sounds. For example, rhyme, syllables, long and short sounds etc. Some children have difficulties identifying and hearing these concepts of sounds.

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Speech and language therapy assessments for speech sound disorder

Our speech and language therapists can assess your child’s speech to determine where their difficulty lies.

Depending on your child’s abilities, our speech and language therapists will assess your child’s production of individual speech sounds, single words of varying complexity and connected speech. The assessment will establish any phonological errors your child is producing. This can be done informally or through a formal assessment. The assessment process will also include an informal observation of your child’s speech.

The information established from the assessment will be used by our speech and language therapists to create an individualised therapy programme to improve the specific speech difficulties your child is experiencing.

The outcome of the assessment will:

  • Identify delay or disorder.
  • Identify specific difficulties with production of certain sounds.
  • Identify gaps in development of speech.
  • Identify phonological error patterns.
  • Identify the impact of the speech sound disorder on your child’s daily activity and participation.
  • Identify your child’s communicative strengths and coping mechanisms.

Assessments available for speech sound disorder include:

Kids Feeding Team

SLT for Kids work closely with the Kids Feeding Team, in order to ensure each child has a safe and effective swallow. The Kids Feeding Team is a ultidisciplinary tem that work closely with a variety of childrens eating and drinking difficulties.


Speech and language therapy for speech sound disorder

Speech and language therapy can increase your child’s intelligibility, work to eliminate deviant phonological processes and develop sounds that your child struggles to produce.

Our speech and language therapists will work with you and your child to create a therapy programme that works particularly on your child’s areas of need. Your child’s therapy programme will work on increasing speech intelligibility across all their communicative environments.

Speech and language therapy available for speech sound disorder includes:

Benefits of speech and language therapy

Speech and language therapy can be highly beneficial for children who have a speech sound disorder. It can improve children’s ability to produce clear speech that can be understood by peers and adults, leading to increased communication skills. Benefits of speech and language therapy include:

  • Increased intelligibility.
  • Increase in speech sounds.
  • Increase in successful communication with adults and peers.
  • Increase in self esteem.
  • Increased ability to create and maintain friendships.
  • Better quality of life.
  • Development of pre-literacy skills.

Speech and language therapy can provide exercises to increase your child’s intelligibility, making it easier for others to understand your child speech. Our speech and language therapists can provide therapy to increase production of individual sounds, reduce and remove error patterns and develop words your child is struggling with. Our speech and language therapists aim to provide a holistic therapy programme that can be worked on across all of your child’s communicative settings.

Conditions that SLT for Kids commonly work with

Often there is no known cause for a speech sound disorder in children, sometimes however it is a result of an underlying medical condition or diagnosis. Our speech and language therapists actively assess and treat children with:

Certain conditions like those mentioned above can have an impact on a child’s speech skills. Our speech and language therapists aim to increase your child’s speech intelligibility. Speech and language therapy can increase your child’s self-esteem and social inclusion in activities across the home and school setting. Our speech and language therapists aim to create a holistic therapy programme that works on increasing your child’s speech skills, whilst incorporating their motivators and strengths into the therapy programme.


If your child is struggling to produce certain speech sounds or is making errors in producing different words. Our speech and language therapists can provide an assessment and therapy to improve speech sound intelligibility, and increase their communication levels.

Have questions?

If you have any questions about the services that we provide or the difficulties that we are able to help, do not hesitate to contact us.


What to do next:

Our speech and language therapists will provide a comprehensive assessment and individualised therapy for speech sound disorder. If you think that your child has poor speech or speech sounds or you have been alerted to this from school then please email office@sltforkids.co.uk or call 0330 088 2298.

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