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Problems we help

Problems we help

At our feeding clinic we help individuals overcome their eating,drinking and swallowing difficulties as well maximise and develop their skills to their highest potential. Our professionals work with the individual and their families to conquer or find ways to manage their difficulties. Conditions we typically help with include:

Autism spectrum disorder feeding problems

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may cause different types of feeding problems. This is dependent on the severity and characteristics of a child’s autism but feeding problems in ASD are mainly due to sensory difficulties.


Breastfeeding problems

Some mother and children partnerships have difficulty with breastfeeding. This can be caused by child’s poor lip seal or oral aversion. Our speech and language therapists will be able to help with this.


Cleft lip and palate

Children are born with a cleft lip and / or palate due to these parts of the body not fusing together properly during pregnancy. Our speech and language therapists can identify this and advise on any feeding problems that are a result of cleft lip and palate.


Excessive dribbling

SLT for Kids can help children with excessive dribbling or drooling. We can provide advice on how to reduce this and identify any underlying causes.


Feeding problems as a result of a neurological condition

Some neurological condition such as; cerebral palsy, can cause feeding problems due to the effect of changes in the brain and physical changes.


Oral motor difficulties

Oral motor difficulties occur when children have difficulty with the movement of the mouth muscles used for eating, drinking and swallowing. Our speech and language therapists can help children to strengthen and coordinate their oral motor movements.


Other problems we help

There are many other feeding problems that our speech and language therapists can help with as part of our multidisciplinary Kids Feeding Team.


Tube feeding

When oral feeding is no longer a safe option, some children may need to be fed using a tube either through the stomach or the nose. Our speech and language therapists are able to help with any difficulties that may occur as a result of this.


Problems transitioning to oral feeding

When children have been tube fed and it is now safe for them to be fed orally, some children have difficulties in weaning of tube feeding and moving onto oral feeding.


Sensory based feeding difficulties

Some children have sensory aversions to food which our multidisciplinary feeding team can provide advice to support this.


Swallowing difficulties

Swallowing difficulties, also known as dysphagia, can occur at any stage of the swallowing process. Our speech and language therapists are able to identify and support swallowing difficulties in order to ensure a safe and effective swallow.


Tongue tie

A tongue tie occurs when the floor of the mouth is attached to the bottom of the tongue. This can cause a range of speech and feeding difficulties that our speech and language therapists can support.


These are just some of the problems we help with, our team of professionals can help your child with a range of difficulties they may be experiencing.

Often Individuals with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties can appear as difficult during meal times, they also may appear as being stubborn, this can make mealtimes stressful for the whole family. Our team of professionals can help individuals and their family to reduce the level of stress and anxiety around eating to make mealtimes more relaxed and enjoyable. Our feeding clinic team can help to identify any underlying difficulties the individual may be experiencing.

Have questions?

If you have any questions about the services that we provide or the difficulties that we are able to help, do not hesitate to contact us.


Contact us

If you are concerned about your child's development, skills or ability, or would like to discuss your child’s difficulties and learn more about how we can help, you can email us at office@sltforkids.co.uk or call us on 0330 088 2298.

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Speech Clinic

Our speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with speech, language and communication needs.

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Voice Clinic

We provide specialist speech and language therapy services for children with voice support needs.

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Feeding Clinic

Our expert speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with eating, drinking and swallowing support needs, alongside our professionals multidisciplinary team.

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