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In schools

In schools

One in ten children have some form of speech, language and communication needs. That means in every class there are 2-3 children who have difficulties with speech, language or communication as a difficulty by itself, or secondary to another condition such as autism or learning difficulties. Often in areas of socio-economic deprivation over 50% of children will start school with delayed skills in the area of speech, language and communication. With the right support children will often catch up with their peers. However, children who don’t receive the right support can often go on to have further difficulties with accessing education. Children with continuing speech, language and communication needs often have difficulty with reading skills.

Our speech and language therapists have knowledge and experience to work with children with a variety of difficulties in their school environment. We can provide assessments followed by group therapy for children who have difficulties with attention and listening, speech, language and communication. With our help we can help children reach their full potential.

Benefits of speech and language therapy groups

SLT for Kids understand the difficulties schools experience, with cuts in funding and services that are offered to schools, it can be very difficult to provide children with the services they require to progress to the best of their ability. By choosing SLT for Kids to provide your school with high quality speech and language therapy, we can work alongside your school to reach out and make a positive impact on the learning ability of all children.

Speech and language therapy can be highly beneficial for your school:

  • Justified spending of pupil premium or element 2 funding.
  • Improved listening skills in classrooms.
  • Onsite speech and language therapist.
  • Combination of health and education to ensure the best for each child.
  • Understand more about speech, language and communication needs.
  • Improved understanding on how best to communicate with children with speech, language and communication needs.
  • Individual reports for each child who attends the groups.
  • Up skilling of staff.
  • Weekly intervention that is tailored to the school's needs and is monitored for progress.

There are many benefits to using SLT for Kids to provide SLT groups, we can help develop skills across many areas, and provide a better understanding of therapy for speech, language and communication needs.

Available groups

SLT for Kids provide four types of groups to schools to target commonly occurring difficulties. The groups provided are:

Attention and listening group

The attention and listening group is aimed at children who struggle to attend to adults or an activity for an extended period of time. Children suitable for the attention and listening group find adult led activities, shared attention, listening to instructions and information difficult.

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Language group

The language group is aimed at children who are having difficulty understanding language and / or expressing their thoughts and feelings. Children who are suitable for the language group may find it difficult to understand instructions, tell a story or may produces sentences with words in the wrong order.

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Speech group

The speech group is aimed at children who struggle to produce the correct sounds. Children who are suitable for the speech group may have unclear speech, difficulty producing certain sounds, as well as difficulty differentiating between sounds.

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Social communication group

The social communication group is aimed at children who struggle with communicating with others in an appropriate manner. Children who are suitable for the social communication group may find it difficult to use or recognise non-verbal communication, a range of language styles or maintain and repair conversations.

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What will each group include?

Each group will be delivered by an experienced speech and language therapist, and each child will receive the following:

  • Assessments carried out in the 1st week and final week.
  • One term of speech and language therapy intervention in the form of a 1 hour group on a weekly basis.
  • Regular monitoring to adapt group therapy.
  • Individual reports at the end of therapy highlighting goals, aims of therapy, improvements, and recommendations.

When and where are the SLT for Kids groups carried out?

SLT groups are offered to schools during term time for a minimum of one day of groups per school. Groups can be completed on as many days as desired. One of our speech and language therapists will deliver the groups within school and groups can run throughout the school day.

Kids Feeding Team

SLT for Kids work closely with the Kids Feeding Team, in order to ensure each child has a safe and effective swallow. The Kids Feeding Team is a ultidisciplinary tem that work closely with a variety of childrens eating and drinking difficulties.


Why does your school need one of our speech and language therapists?

Our speech and language therapists have a depth of knowledge and experience in working with schools to provide a high quality speech and language therapy service. A speech and language therapist from SLT for Kids will be able to outline the reasons why some children are having difficulty and provide therapy and advice using meaningful and functional activities, as well as changes in the environment to facilitate the child’s needs and improve the school's overall communication friendliness.

If you would like to know more information about the groups or are interested in any of the groups above, please email  office@sltforkids.co.uk  or call 0330 088 2298.

Yellow music note icon

Speech Clinic

Our speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with speech, language and communication needs.

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Red speech block icon

Voice Clinic

We provide specialist speech and language therapy services for children with voice support needs.

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Green knife icon

Feeding Clinic

Our expert speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with eating, drinking and swallowing support needs, alongside our professionals multidisciplinary team.

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