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Attention and listening group

Attention and listening group

Our attention and listening groups, aim to work on children’s ability to attend to a person, object or activity as well as listen accurately.

It is important for children to develop good attention and listening skills that are age appropriate as they are the foundation skills for developing communication and learning.

Children need to be able to focus their attention on the person talking as well as listen carefully to what is being said in order to understand and respond appropriately.

Children with poor attention and listening skills can present with the following:

  • Difficulties listening to instructions or large amounts of information.
  • Difficulty recalling what has been said.
  • Do not know what to do after instructions have been given.
  • Easily distracted.
  • Can only focus their attention on one task at a time.
  • Cannot stay with one activity for long will jump from activity to activity.
  • May appear as though they are ignoring you.
  • Struggles to take turns.

Our attention and listening group is also suitable for those children who have speech, language and communication difficulties but are not ready for one to one therapy or group therapy specific to their difficulties as they have yet to develop good attention and listening skills needed for therapy.

Aims of an attention and listening group

  • To increase children’s ability to attend to an activity, object or person for an extended period of time.
  • To increase children’s ability to listen accurately to sounds and verbal information.

Benefits of group therapy:

  • Develop other vital skills such as turn taking, waiting, joining in and anticipating.
  • Develop social communication skills.
  • Practise skills in a realistic environment.
  • Support and motivation from others experiencing similar difficulties.
  • Opportunity to learn by watching others around them.

On completion of group therapy you will receive a report with information about the group therapy aims, the activities completed, the improvements your child has made and any further recommendations or advice.

Contact us

If you think your child is having difficulties with attention and listening, and would like to be considered for a group then please email office@sltforkids.co.uk or call us on 0330 088 2298.

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Speech Clinic

Our speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with speech, language and communication needs.

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Voice Clinic

We provide specialist speech and language therapy services for children with voice support needs.

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Feeding Clinic

Our expert speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with eating, drinking and swallowing support needs, alongside our professionals multidisciplinary team.

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