Early Years training events – dates out NOW! Click here to find out more.

Accredited courses

Accredited courses

At SLT for Kids our speech and language therapists are trained in delivering a range of accredited courses to staff from a range of educational settings as well as others who may work with children with speech, language and communication needs. Accredited courses allow staff to develop their knowledge on different speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) as well as providing them with practical advice and strategies they can implement themselves in the classroom to develop speech, language and communication skills of all children including those with SLCN, English as an additional language and those with special educational needs.

Accredited courses we are able to provide


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Elklan courses are designed to equip the local workforce and we are able to offer many different options on how to support children with SLCN of different ages within the classroom. It will allow teachers to understand and identify any speech, language or communication issues in the children they work with and can help them to improve this immediately on a targeted level without the specialist support of a speech and language therapist.

Elklan courses are designed to be delivered, by an accredited speech and language therapist, over a ten week period each session lasting two hours or, it can be delivered as an intensive three day training programme. The course is designed to engage learners through being interactive by using practical activities, videos and group discussions.

Early Talk Boost

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This targeted intervention was developed by I CAN to help school staff to identify and support children aged 3-4 years with delayed language development. The aim of the training is to help narrow the gap in schools between those children with delayed language and their peers. The course will work on developing children's listening skills, vocabulary, understanding and expression of language as well as the child's turn taking skills.

The training will be provided by an Early Talk Boost accredited speech and language therapist which will equip school staff to carry out the targeted intervention across the year group independently, without the specialist support of the speech and language therapist.

Key stage 1 Talk Boost

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This targeted intervention was developed by I CAN to help school staff to identify and support children aged 4-7 years in key stage 1 with delayed language development. The aim of the training is to help narrow the gap in schools between those children with delayed language and their peers. The structured programme is designed to support teachers and teaching assistants in understanding the different components of language and their importance.

The training will be provided by a key stage 1 Talk Boost accredited speech and language therapist which will equip school staff to carry out the targeted intervention across the year group independently without the specialist support fo a speech and language therapist.

Palin Parent Child Interaction (PCI)

Our speech and language therapists are trained in delivering Palin parent child interaction. This is an indirect stammering therapy programme. Parent child interaction focuses on the way the parents use their communication skills in order to improve their confidence in managing their child's stammer in the home environment.

The aim of Palin PCI will be to identify exactly what parents are doing to support their child's fluency and to encourage parents to continue using effective strategies. A mixture of video sessions and discussions with the speech and language therapist will enable parents to confidently communicate with their child to help promote fluent speech.


We have lots of events that run through the year. Our events are suitable for those looking for more information on speech and language therapy and can be an excellent multidisciplinary team learning opportunity. Our events are also suitable for those seeking continuing professional development. Find out more about our recent and upcoming events.


Next steps

If you would like to find out more about the accredited training courses we are able to provide for parents or teachers please do not hesitate to contact us on office@sltforkids.co.uk or call 0330 088 2298.

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Speech Clinic

Our speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with speech, language and communication needs.

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Voice Clinic

We provide specialist speech and language therapy services for children with voice support needs.

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Feeding Clinic

Our expert speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with eating, drinking and swallowing support needs, alongside our professionals multidisciplinary team.

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