Unforunately, we are currently operating on a waitlist. Please get in touch if you would like to be added to the waitlist.

Post 16

Post 16

SLT for Kids provide services directly to pupils and staff in post 16 settings such as colleges, sixth form centres and universities. Therapy is bespoke and tailored to the specific needs of the setting and their pupils. Post 16 settings have the freedom to seek out the specialist services that they require and SLT for Kids can provide these settings with a professional speech and language therapist who is able to dedicate their time solely to the settings needs, whether this is on a universal, targeted or specialist level.

SLT for Kids provides post 16 settings with a consistently high quality speech and language therapy service. We are able to provide colleges, sixth forms and universities with:

  • Immediate access to a broad range of speech and language therapy services that are flexible, consistent and competitively priced.
  • A bespoke speech and language therapy that is tailored to each individual need of the setting or the student.
  • A scoping service on a universal level to identify needs and implement effective ways of working.
  • A holistic view of the setting and its students.
  • Therapy to accommodate universal, targeted and specialist areas of need.
  • Immediate access to a speech and language therapist that is able to dedicate their time solely to your college, sixth form centre or university.
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“Colleges should focus on supporting young people so they can progress and reach positive destinations in adult life”

SEND Code of Practise, 2015

Do you need our help?

The following questions can provide you with some guidance on whether you might need our help:

  • I am having difficulty in identifying young adults with SLCN
  • I don’t know how to create a communication friendly environment
  • I don’t think I am communicating with the students effectively
  • I don’t know how to advise the students on their communication based queries
  • I think I need some training on communication disorders

What services do SLT for Kids provide in post 16 settings?

Our dedicated speech and language therapists are able to provide speech and language therapy services tailored to the identified needs of the settings staff and students. Our speech and language therapy services at SLT for Kids can be delivered on a universal, targeted and specialist level dependent on your requirements.


The universal level of speech and language therapy focuses on staff education and awareness of speech and language difficulties. Universal intervention will allow post 16 setting staff access to information, allowing them to identify speech and language difficulties and adapt their language or teaching styles to help accommodate students. This can be provided through:

  • Advice, signposting and training to improve awareness and understanding.
  • Training for the wider workforce and raising staff awareness and education into a variety of communication disorders.
  • Indirect support for all children in the setting.
  • Maximise communication in different environments.


Targeted intervention will focus on specific training to develop awareness and the ability to support young people with specific speech, language and communication difficulties. Targeted speech and language intervention may include:

  • Specific training courses including our accredited courses to provide staff with the skills to identify, monitor and appropriately communicate with all students as well as those with speech, language and communication difficulties.
  • Direct involvement of the speech and language therapist to identify and monitor students with speech, language and communication difficulties.
  • Training staff to carry out different interventions tailored to students or to adapt their communication styles and vocabulary.


Our therapists at SLT for Kids are able to provide specialist intervention for students with identified need that requires the input of a speech and language therapist. The intervention will then be carried out alongside staff carryover and may include:

  • Specialist assessment and interventions.
  • Tailored advice to support and monitor a student's progress with a specific speech, language and communication difficulty.
  • Specialist training to support schools and families e.g. in the case of feeding difficulties or use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).

Specialist intervention in post 16 settings will most likely target the student’s being able to increase their independence in different environments that require higher level thinking and language skills. We will also be able to provide intervention targeting preparation for later life, such as interview skills and presentation skills.

What benefits can a speech and language therapy service provide to post 16 settings?

Our speech and language therapy service at SLT for Kids can provide many benefits to your college, sixth form or university. The setting will be assigned a speech and language therapist with time that they can dedicate solely to the staff and students. They will be available to offer advice and therapy on a universal, targeted and specialist level when needed. This can not only help improve individual young people’s speech, language and communication but can help support staff in providing the best education to their students.

Our speech and language therapy service can focus on identification and raising awareness of different speech, language and communication needs and how to support these across the whole setting by general training of the workforce, creating universal improvement. We are able to provide a focus on maximising students independence and preparation for later life. Not only will the setting have a dedicated speech and language therapist, but alongside this there will be no waiting lists for therapy and advice.

What benefits can a speech and language therapy service provide to post 16 settings?

Our speech and language therapy service at SLT for Kids can provide many benefits to your college, sixth form or university. The setting will be assigned a speech and language therapist with time that they can dedicate solely to the staff and students. They will be available to offer advice and therapy on a universal, targeted and specialist level when needed. This can not only help improve individual young people’s speech, language and communication but can help support staff in providing the best education to their students.

Our speech and language therapy service can focus on identification and raising awareness of different speech, language and communication needs and how to support these across the whole setting by general training of the workforce, creating universal improvement. We are able to provide a focus on maximising students independence and preparation for later life. Not only will the setting have a dedicated speech and language therapist, but alongside this there will be no waiting lists for therapy and advice.

What benefits can speech and therapy delivered within post 16 settings bring to students?

All of those within the setting will receive potential benefits from having a speech and language therapist work within their educational environment. Universal consultations will help the speech and language therapist to identify the area of need across the setting so that advice can be given on how to promote communication and understanding in general.

Training of the workforce within a post 16 setting can provide staff with the knowledge and awareness of how to adapt their language to help their students achieve to their best potential. Continuous support can be provided by staff with the help of a speech and language therapist, benefitting each student.

Our speech and language therapists at SLT for Kids are able to identify any students that may need support so that no young person goes unidentified. All of those in the school can be supported by our speech and language therapists on different levels in terms of their speech, language and communication.

How can I make a referral to SLT for kids?

If you are a member of staff within a post 16 setting and you feel that you or your pupils would benefit from our speech and language therapy services, you can make a referral by using our referral form, emailing office@sltforkids.co.uk or calling 0330 088 2298.

If you are a parent and feel that your child would benefit from receiving speech and language therapy in their college or sixth form environment this must be discussed with the education setting separately, or you are able to make a personal referral to SLT for Kids using our contact details.

Services for Schools and education

We provide services to schools and education. Your school will be provided with an enthusiastic speech and language therapist that is able to dedicate part of their time to improving speech, language and communication outcomes for the children throughout the school.

  • Universal approach
  • Therapy based on your needs
  • Better outcomes for children
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Speech Clinic

Our speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with speech, language and communication needs.

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Voice Clinic

We provide specialist speech and language therapy services for children with voice support needs.

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Feeding Clinic

Our expert speech and language therapists provide a range of services for children with eating, drinking and swallowing support needs, alongside our professionals multidisciplinary team.

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