Detailed report
A detailed report is usually written after a speech, language and communication assessment. It provides you with information about your child’s skills in the areas that have been assessed as well as recommendations and a therapy programme that will contain long term and short term goals.
You may choose to use our report to provide yourself and other professionals involved with your child with more information about their speech, language and communication skills. The report will also give you a breakdown of the therapy your child may require.
Ages and stages
Children usually follow a typical pattern of development when they learn to speak and communicate. This typical pattern of development can determine whether a referral to speech and language therapy is appropriate.
The report will contain the following:
- Background information.
- Summary of assessments / information about your child’s skills.
- Recommendations.
- Therapy programme.
The report will also provide long term and short term goals and how these may be achieved and reviewed.
Our speech and language therapists aim to write a report that is tailored to your needs and requests making the report individual to you and your child.
If you are interested in receiving a detailed report, or would like to know more about it, please email or call us on 0330 088 2298.